Sacred Groves

An International Project June 24, 2023

"A Day for Mother Earth and All That Is"

Let us revive our Sacred Sites

Sacred Groves Logo
Picture &Copyright: Diplom-Designer Visual Arts, Ina Schindler, 04105 Leipzig, Gohliser Str. 1

Click here for a larger image

A new project for Mother Earth and All That IS

Update July 2023

Dear friends,

terrible things are currently happening on and to our planet - and it is not only the war in Ukraine. Therefore, do not lose faith in your strength and power, remain steadfast and let us continue to work together for the success of our meditation ceremonies. Our work has now become more important than ever, you are the bearers of hope for our Planet Earth.

One thing is for sure: Your power of thought, which you have proven in the last two medicine wheel projects and the two following "Sacred Groves" projects, starting from your anchor points, beyond the center of Germany into the planetary sphere, touches the human consciousness and helps to open ways and to find allies. With the waters that you brought into meditation in 2022 from springs, streams, rivers, lakes and seas, you brought about an intimate connection with Mother Earth.

The Sacred Groves Project will continue to culminate again in the years to come.

Below you will find the pictureshow of the Ceremonies 2022/23

Click on the picture below, make your srceen wide, turn the speakers louder, lean back, relax and enjoy!

Please tell your friends and acquaintances about our project, forward emails and web address, try to win more contributors!

Stay healthy and confident,
we are all connected,

Joachim Koch

If you like to be on the private mailing list of "Project Sacred Groves" for questions, suggestions and participation please email under

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